Saturday, August 9, 2014

Could the oils actually be working?!?

$500 says I just jinxed myself. Anyone want to bet Gavin wakes up wired in the morning? HA!

Seriously though, I have had several people comment on how Gavin seemed to be more mellow the past few days. We've been doing the essential oils for about 2 weeks now. He gets "Calming" oil and "Brain" oil during the day, and "Calming" and "Lavender" at night. He is also still taking the vitamins (B6 and Magnesium). I was giving him both pills at breakfast, but, DUH, magnesium helps with sleep. Now, he gets it before bed. Honestly, I don't know if it's the oils, vitamins, both, or just a coincidence, but he has been more chilled out though. He DOES have his moments, I mean, come on, he is three! His moments use to be all day long, non stop though.

Kelsey, his OT came by yesterday, and he made eye contact with her for a very long time (minutes). This is HUGE for Gavin! Normally, people get a glance, and that is it! We are SO very thankful for Kelsey. She is AMAZING, and Gavin just loves her. It's hard for Gavin to really connect with someone he just met. He took to her almost instantly though! Just when we thought Gavin couldn't love her anymore than he already did, THIS happened:

He was in fruit loop heaven!

Kelsey put sensory toys in with some fruit loops, and he just went wild (as you can tell). He had so much fun with this. 

Then Aunt Brina brought by some cookies.....she loaded my kids with sugar....THEN LEFT! 

Of course, he was hyper for a while, but quickly calmed down. Honestly, I was shocked! I was expecting him to be up for a while. He was fine, Keegan, on the other hand....stayed up 2 HOURS past his bedtime! Thanks Sabrina! LOL It's all good. It's rare getting to spend time with JUST Keegan. It was a nice treat.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! !! I've been praying and I'm so glad these are helping. Keep believing. He is improving I believe it and he's calmer from the oils I'm sure. Wish I knew about them when parker was 2-4 lol! So glad he's made eye contact that's another prayer I've been saying alot and praise goes to God I know he's working in him :)
