Sunday, July 20, 2014

Let me be honest....

Okay I am going to be 100% honest tonight. We took the weekend off. We have watched YouTube educational videos, but that is all. He needed a break, I needed a break. Our weekend consisted of shopping, TV, YouTube, and swimming. Next weekend is his birthday, so it will probably be even less learning going on around here. I felt guilty for 1/2 second. Then I started thinking....he is only 2 (almost 3), HIGH energy, low attention span, plus....HE IS A KID! I have spent the past three weeks pushing him to point, talk, sign, hand over hand, colors, numbers, animal sounds, shapes, apps, ect. Since I am being 100% honest tonight, all that "pushing" hasn't really helped him. I haven't seen any improvements, YET.

Does that mean I am giving up? NO, NO, NO!!! NEVER! That means it is time for me to relax a little and let him be a toddler. The fact that he hasn't had meltdown after meltdown because of all the work we have done, actually amazes me. He has been a trooper through it all. Did he whine? Yep! Did he cry a little? Oh yeah! Did he have a full blown meltdown the past 3 weeks? Nope!

I have less than 3 weeks before I start back to work. I want to spend time with my boys. I will continue to work with him, I will ALWAYS work with him. I have just went overboard since his diagnosis. I need to breathe, relax, and enjoy my babies. They're only little once.

They’re only little once,
reaching new milestones every day.
They’re only little once,
full of curiosity and always ready to play.
They’re only little once,
sweet giggles and tender smiles.
They’re only little once,
their love can travel for miles.
They’re only little once,
sounds of pitter-patter run through the halls.
They’re only little once,
small fingerprints cover the walls.
They’re only little once,
able to cheer you up when you’re feeling blue.
They’re only little once,
eager to know that they matter to you.
So let them be little,
let them imagine,
let them blossom
and let them be children,
They’re only little once.


 I love these two SO much!

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