Let me introduce him, to the ones that don't know a lot about myself. Keegan's first name is Dilan. He is named after my mom, Linda (Dilan is an anagram of Linda) who passed away in 1996, when I was 14. Dilan Keegan was born September 12, 2013. He weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz, and was perfect!
Today, Keegan is 10 months old. He loves hugging (especially if I've been at work all day). He loves picking on Gavin (taking his paci while he sleeps, stealing his food, pulling his hair). Speaking of food, he refuses to eat baby food. If Gavin eats it, he HAS to eat the same thing. He can say "mama, dada, num-num." He also likes to babble, sometimes it sounds like he is telling me off. Ha! He is my feisty baby. He likes to be attached to my hip. If I leave the room, he screams! Let me just say this, his lungs work perfectly! He loves cruising around the walls and furniture. He has taken a couple of steps, but still is unsure about all that. He is my twin. I made a clone of myself.Don't believe me?
I am truly blessed. I have two beautiful (sorry, handsome) boys. Sure, life gets tough, but I wouldn't have it any other way. They keep me on my toes, and laughter in my voice.
Happy 10 months, Mr. Keegan!
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